Helical Underpinning

helical underpinningContractors and engineers alike have been using helical piers in foundation repairs since the early 1800s

The piers are one of the two most common designs for structural repairs in homes. They are a most sought after choice when a repair for stabilization of a light structural load is present. They are also well-suited for unstable rock foundations or when a very deep load-bearing stratum is present.

Whether you are experiencing issues in your crawl space, basement or your slab, you need a company that will treat you with respect and protects your largest asset. Tar Heel Foundation Solutions has just what you are looking for.

Helical Underpinning for New Construction

When you are looking to construct a home or other building on unstable soil, the smart approach is not to wait for foundation problems to inevitably pop up in the future.

Instead, helical underpinning can be a perfect solution that will stabilize the foundation from Day 1. No costly repairs needed once the building is already constructed. No ticking time bomb beneath your house. Simply the peace of mind that comes with knowing your foundation is secure.

The advantages of installing helical piers early in the building process are twofold. First, the installation will have no impact on the surrounding area beyond what the construction already would. Second, the helical piers or helical torque anchors can be tied into the foundation gridwork from Day 1, providing maximum support during construction as well.

This infographic illustrates the process of helical underpinning, and key facts about how it works.

Helical Underpinning Installation Process

No matter the time of year or the weather conditions at hand, the installation process allows us to do the repairs. Anytime and under any type of weather we will be there.

Only small equipment is required for these installations, so there will be little disturbance to your home and its surroundings. The helical piers are mechanically installed by screwing them deep into the soil.

We closely monitor the installation to assure optimum capacity. Once we have them at their capacity location, we will install and attach an underpinning steel foundation bracket to the piers.

In a carefully maneuvered switch, the weight of your home is transferred onto the piers. Then the weight is put onto the soils below. The new underpinning will ensure no future sagging and shifting of your home.

Give Tar Heel Foundation Solutions a call today for all of your helical underpinning foundation contractor needs and let’s get started getting your home and foundation back to square one.

The number one problem reported by homeowners is a soil-related foundation problem. This could be caused by poor compaction, overloading, excessive organic material present in the soil, expansive soils that expand and contract with changes in the moisture content, and erosion.

Any of these conditions will wreak havoc on your home’s foundation and over time will begin to cause structural damages.

Learn more about helical underpinning in this article.

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